Selasa, 24 April 2012
An old theme if we want talking about terror, terrorist, and terrorism. Why ? Because the problem was long time in every country in the world lift the problem about terror, but it has still never been found out the good solution for this problem. Neither the powerful country nor ordinary country in the whole of the world which fight against and again for terror, it still like trying to stand up wet yarn. So still useless, there is still much case which interconnected with terror. The every government in every country just can give an order to players whom can handle this terror although it was sacrifice many people whom didn’t sin or generated the losses, good material or soul. So what we have to do ? I can’t understand further.
Lets we see, what is the terror, terrorist, and terrorism means in fact or from in the meaning of the word terror itself. Although the act of terror almost same with war, but in fact both of them is different. The act of terror or lets we change the word with the force of terror is differ with war because the force didn’t bow to the rules like war which bowed to the rules of war. Terror act frequently and suddenly and also generated the victim (civil) which doesn’t sin. And also different with war, if in the war always signed when the war started and ended. Terror also always using the brutal and cruel or in other named they always using everything solution to reach their goal even if they must sacrificing themselves, killed themselves, and killed people around them, the important objection for them is generating terror and get what they wanted.
So why the action of terrorism often happened, and like it will never can stop ? The answer is still bewildering. It never been clear reason why many people or many teams which mentioning themselves as terrorist did terror force. If there any, it just a reason for necessary some teams itself. So it was reasonless with killed people that not sin. And why must the attacking of this terror must in the crowded areas and anytime, when many people at there are stand, walk, sit, talk, and do anything activities which in fact never any interconnected with terror ? It so anxiety, if we back to the years behind us, when there was many tragedy which there any relation with terror likes, bomb or brutal attacking and also suicide bomb that swallowed many people that not sin. It was very important for them to generate damage, losses, or victimize, just to reach their willing, I think it was very egoist and mean. Whatever the reason and whatever the reason how can it happened to some people want to do that terror act, I think it still call with stupid, not humanity, reasonless and egoist solution or way to get what which was to be their goal. How if their family who become as the victim about one attacking of terrorism. So for some family (but almost every family if they in this condition) want to revenge and didn’t accept well. Like the sentences, so blood paid blood and kill paid by killing. So the victim family will attack back with terror too. So it will appear the phenomenon of terror and terror. If it was happen like that, so terror it will never been ended until whenever. The terror will jump and jump again and again without the back part. As we as good people, good world people who has humanity and realize each other about world peace, ought to we had good solution to reduce, to disappear and to stop the terror act with good way of course.
Don’t look who must responsible about the result of the terror attacking. And don’t blame anyone. That was happen leave that happen and elapsed. We as good people were very knowing and understand if the problem about terror never used up or finished. When people still egoist and just want what they want with want do everything way to get the goal and also use short thinking if just they whom very right, so terrorism still will be happen. Never there is a good solution for solve the problem. Only stopped it a minutes, and it will come back generate in society live. If that happen like it, so the people whom not sin who will be the victim, and some people who to be victim and can’t accepted will be do revenge with terror too, because they were stressed and frustration and also can’t believe anyone else, so with revenge perhaps they think it will solve their grudge, we see, it very egoist if people do like that. But it’s true if terror often anxious, and government officer which obliged to along with government assumed tardy fight against this terrorizing. The disappointed people to government as act of blame in fact always happened in the society, especially for this problem. So terror will against with terror. Terror and terror.
So, what it perhaps people who as the victim reaction to the act of terror do same as their fight with terror too ? It surely perhaps I think. Why ? Because we can see the government or our government with his players handle this problem with terror too. Much accident which entangling the government officer when defeated terrorist, with act terror too. Although that correct way to defeat terrorist and successes, it was still indirectly, the government was show to their citizen about terror. So although people don’t want blame anyone, they have to blame their government and was to be tradition if always the government which had been blamed. If like that, ought to the government must thinking and as fast as they can, they must to find out the good solution for this problem. It is true is not easy matter to look for solution besides the physical contact of government officer in handling this terrorist cases. Terrorist there will always and continue to expand. For that make proper to government know where from that terrorist coming and can always expand and many. So, it’s good if in every studying media good in institution or in house, well the teacher or parents can guide with good and right education to their teenagers so that don’t mislead to the wrong way (terrorism cases). We realized many teenagers in now to be victim in terrorism cases. And the teenagers was become fuel for the big teams of terrorism for recruit and to be part of terrorist and do act terror. Because the teenagers who very easy to give doctrine and incitement so that they want to be a terrorism because the teenagers very labile and easy to brain washer.
So, the terror which fight with terror too, it will never been finished the terrorist to do terror act, even the terrorist will more dangerous and more. But, the government seems only had one act to handle this problem, it’s with physically contact to face terrorist. So it can means terrorist must killed, because most of the terrorist never compromised with government officer. They will fight until dead or arrested and or they prefer to kill themselves. So, what the government can do else ? That was the good solution until now to defeated terrorist. As preventive effort, the government can socialize to the people about terrorism, good in school or society. So perhaps it will stop the expand of terrorist and the link of terrorist can be finished. But, for defeated terrorist who appear in society and true they are terrorist, the government only had one solution, it is arrest them or kill them. Never happened when terrorist want to compromised with government and surrender, it never been happened. Never good solution for terrorist, and terrorist always give terror, egoist and absolutely wrong. Always generate the losses for their necessary. So the problem must face with terror too. Terror never ended, because terror will fight with terror too. Terror and terror. and until now the government with the government officer still difficulty to face and defeated terrorist although with terror too. With counter attack and crowded attacking the government officer face the terrorist. It’s still to be good reaction for the terrorist. Terror and terror.
A general thing if someone that has a solid activity like studying or working they will meet the bored point in their activity that. Same as like someone that desire to drink a glass of water when they were thirsty. In the first glass they didn’t feel satisfying, they still thirsty, and then the second glass they drink it, but still they didn’t feel satisfying until only for the example that people stop in fifth glass, that people finally feel satisfying because his thirsty fulfilled. But lets we see besides because the reason of that people stop in fifth glass, that people didn’t want to drink the water again ? It’s so simple for the answer and we can concluded if the answer because that people bored to drink more water again, so that people stop drink in fifth glass. This analogy alike the case when some people become stress for their activity, studying or working. Perhaps they feel bored and saturated because everyday they always do same activity day by day, although in studying and working there is task which different in every day, but still the general meaning of studying and working is still just studying and working, and both are related, studying for working and working need studying, so surely every people that studying or working will experience the symptom ( bored and then stressed ) because they need the free space for themselves to do anything which can make them feel fresh again from first they feel bored and saturated.
An important thing if we do anything that as our obligation or as our thing that so priceless for us, we must love our activity. Not only love because we have it, but love it from the side of the risks, the consequence, and the responsibilities. With we’re understanding all of that, I can make sure if we can do it all what we want good it is working, studying or anything else well, without we will feel bored, saturated, tired or stress. We can pretend it all. So we might can protected mislead to the bored and become stress. But, undeniable almost people particularly in the work orientation become stress because their work or job. These peoples unsuccessful to effort to themselves, so that they can’t protect from the dangerous of bored and stress.
An article told if people are under stress, they may be anxious and irritable. It’s true, people that become stress showed the symptom like people as they are. They a little change, they may be more can angry or more sensitive, especially to the people that doing a mistakes to the people that under stress. And people that under stress are often reaction harsh to the people even he harsh to himself. It’s very generating a great deal of losses. And from the little symptom when people are under stress like to be anxious and irritable and then they to be harsher in action and last that people do not close possibility if that people will be crazy, it’s the biggest losses for someone if they can’t be able to stay far away from the symptom of stress. There is not good herb which efficacious can help people that was suffering of the symptom of stress. The only good herb and as the good solution too for everyone that inside the symptom of stress, they can effort anything activity which make fun for them, so it can be refreshing their bran and soul. People that with good thinker and well they can passed they obstruction well, and they far from the stress, because they can thinking about what thing that was to be their responsibilities which they must account everything the consequence, good if that studying or working, so they must fun and love it.
If it’s true and everything advise to keep us from the stress unsuccessful made us still struggling to face our activities, we have to find out the good and best solution so that we can’t falling down to be crazy because the reason of stress. So, what are they which we can conduct for us to leave our stress ? In fact there is so many things that we can do it for ourselves. Seems like we do our hobby that can make us feel happy, fresh and wash our soul. But we realized if everyone was different. All of us have had the solution to release our stress. For me as the writer on this paper I suggesting if we want to release our symptom of stress and stress there are three suggest for this case. First, try to find your enjoy. For the example do anything activity which we very love it or very addict (singing, playing music, hang out, or anything else), in essence that activity we love and we think it can reduce the damage of stress in our soul and mind. Second, stop your subject activity for a while. Try to sleep. We sometimes need addition to sleep. With we can rest our body for a while we rest our mind and soul to from the busy activity that just make us stress, and it just destruct our body and soul until we can be sick. With sleep, we can light mind burden, after sleep our mind and soul in the good condition again, so we can think well. And the last, keep struggling and keep smiling. Whatever the obstruction which we will face, we must make sure if we can to pass it or struggle. With struggle it’s meaning we can strong to face anything will block us, and we can’t be stress. Keep smiling it doesn’t mean we are surrender because we have tired to face our obstruction, so we smile and smile and smile every time. But, we keep smile so that we can still calm and enjoy. With keep smiling we have given to ourselves the spirit, the aura and the power to walk our activity in everyday especially when we face our obstruction. A little thing but big we can get for we want to keep smiling.
So we can concluded all of the good solution for us to keep far away from stress are, we must healthy, fresh, rest, keep going forward and smile. So if we can fulfill that, I can make sure if we won’t protect from stress symptom and stress. And last every problem or obstruction which will block us, make sure ourselves ready to fight that and just breathing and exhale it. Every problem has every solution, and every solution has every obstruction too, but every obstruction can be solve with good attitude, so once again, just breath and exhale it.
In fact this is governmental responsibility of us. but it's stupid likely if we just silent , only seeing, simply knowing and justly pay attention of life of ownerless orphan children. So that they do not far only becoming public road children and beggar. This a situation very anxiety, ad for in area capital of situation of picture like this is a horrible paradox.
As normal fellow being which have idea and feeling, when us placed as motherless children, how feeling of us and idea of us to people around us which is very know of our situation require help but people do not care. Honestly, witnessed situation of very sadly is we surely tell if very egoist people in era now.
see attempt example and fact when us becoming children which do not have mother or father in other name is orphan, of course orphan children around us even also feel illness do not be paid attention. By we have got wise to tolerance we ought to know what ought to be done to the problem of this. Problem of ownerless orphan children. Ought to we assist with. As society also, orphan children have basic rights is the same as with complete other normal children have parent.
So, how about governmental responsibility ?
Absolutely, government which must really pay attention this problem. Government, justly tell of slip forget about their child of which was their parent loss and they do not have place wings of and food and also education. possible Governmental of business with possible business far heavier than at thin emotion of motherless children.
So, with using statement ‘talk less do more’, so, what we can do for take a part to help a little to the our Government, when they very busy about their problems which very important than for managing the orphan. A few or to the number of matters which we can do to be thin of orphan children specially start from area of around our own environment is do not too take as problem, but how we to make they will put trust of them to us to join in to shared by them with excess which our which was themselves do not have. Make they feel to be protected and balmy with heartfelt attention of us to their condition without little even also touch they are situation of them.
Some possible matters which maybe we can conduct to a little help them and amuse them are with the ways as following :
1. By becoming volunteer, we give Iesson looking like in schools to them, in order not to blind them about science and give them describing about a little how situation of that school like what. Thereby, orphan children which at first do not have big ambition of moment time to be able to wait felt science bench become more and have obsession to become a which fond of look for science, specially positive knowledge.
2. Made a team, peripatetic to assist orphan children in levying of fund for eating orphan children. Raised money pass event devote social or had recourse from other parties directly which care to orphan children.
3. Teaching them a matter which is creative in character. Specially creative matter able to dig their potency. To later can continue and continue can be developed along time walked. And can good for and yield a worthwhile matter in life of them. The example, we earn to teach they are procedural transplant crop, fruit crop of especially. By them knowing how to transplanting, they will open opportunity of is effort them in the case of crop sales transplant definitively of yield.
4. Teaching them concerning manner of decent respectably. Why they have to be taught by concerning decent respectably ? The answer is very simple, that is, because they do not have peer namely their parents to be able to teach them concerning how to decent respectably. Release observation of their parents, most from them shall no longer recognize manners, because clear nothing that teach always concerning manner of decent respectably.
5. Competent House Reformatory developing dwell and have things of clothes,food and board for all motherless children to occupy this reformatory. This is biggest matter which in fact earn surely we do for the shake of benefaction name. This matter it is true very difficult isn't it without other party aids which is have money. But with effort which continue glowed, surely to build reformatory with capital alone even also can be realized. A team with member which is consistence and solid and also commitment to do this august matter assisted motherless children, surely to look after fund of effort alone to get capital to build reformatory not impossible can be done. A team with his member, can creative to collect fund for the shake of the awaking up of a reformatory for motherless children, specially motherless children which unemployed. If fund less, team can raise proposal to party which will assist and also care to orphan children chance to will follow to assist gave aid in the form of money. Possible in collecting fund later, we get difficulty to get aid of selected party which will assist. But this matter make proper trying and fought for, for the shake of benefaction word, fund to build reformatory can be realized. Because are the big of benefit and function of reformatory specially for motherless children which unemployed.
That a few our which can matter do to a few at least to assist and pay attention the condition over orphan children by extant and real action. Still many our which can matters do to finish this problem. But a few from people now will do this matter. Because assuming that mentioned is not their business. Attitude like this is egoist attitude and do not have heart.
Why must the Orphan ? This is a simple question to answer. Why ?, because we are human who have humanity. If we don’t have it, so it’s okay we leave this problem. But, we realized, we are human and humanity. In every lesson of life, all of them have been telling us for helping to each other. Especially In Islam, we are ordered to love orphan because Muhammad SAW, very love to orphan. So as Moslem, people have to pay attention to this case and do more to this case. So, orphan can make their life well. Because everybody have same rights to good life.
Why People Hard to Stop Smoking ?
Always to be inversed perspective about to the all smokers who they always said confidently if they sip cigarette they will be as a gentlemen, what are they realize about what he was said it? To be a big misunderstanding if today people who fond consume cigarette still assuming if they gentlemen with cigar. From a great number of attentions about the dangerous of smoking, people just read it and try to forget it. It was to be a fact if it was a jokes, it is mean the signal of attention about the dangerous of smoking still doesn’t enough , Does it need to threat to the all consumer with showing as a result after smoking to the healthy of body, especially to lungs. But, although if it was did, still people who crazy about cigar doesn’t care. They might know about the dangerous of poison inside cigar (nicotine). But, they just let it as like is, try to do not care about it.
Nothing the best exact solution for this problem and this phenomenon, a hundred percent can make people who sip cigarette realized and stop smoking. Almost it will impossible. This situation that happening in society now the only one best solution to decrease a number of active smoker is themselves awareness. They must realize and know the losses with smoking. If they smart, they will think by fully understanding what it is the benefit of smoking? Absolutely with full attention from themselves to realize and know about this perspective they may be said if there is nothing benefits of what I was doing with cigar (smoking), except just taste enjoyment of that cigar, so if like that, they will walk and throw their box of cigar to the garbage, and stop smoking.
Let we see to the fact. Whether people want did it? There is no real restriction or real l rules and also the real punishment to the smokers. It is true, it impossible to sentence someone only because he smoke. But still we in fact can make a rule and restriction to smokers. Why need it? Because although almost people not only man but woman too today fond of smoke, still there are many people too today want the healthy lifestyle. So it need tolerate between they who smoke and they who hate smoke or just breathing the smoke. There are two type of people for this case. One is, the active smoker and the second one is passive smoker. This passive smoker who doesn’t like about cigar and breathing smoke of cigar who very harmed of active smokers who egoist sip cigarette around public place, where maybe at there, there are passive smokers, who need there are not active smokers around their activity and their environment. But with situation at right now, without real rules and real restriction for active smokers when they stay in some public palace they ought to awareness themselves about tolerate to passive smokers around them, but it didn’t happened. What happened with the passive smokers if they always breathing smoke, though they didn’t smoking, they want healthy oppositely they become pain. So who will be get losses about this case? Sometimes this rules oppositely inverted, sometimes passive smokers who have to giving in, and avoiding to the better place than place where there are of active smoker, without feel a sin, active smokers assume they didn’t anything which losses someone. This oblivious phenomenon in our environment between the smoker and people who contradiction it. So, what people have to do to get way out for this confusing case.
Ought to this case have coherent justice if the awareness can make solution too for this phenomenon. Neither of awareness or coherent justice ought to can giving the best solution for this case. Passive smokers need the coherent justice and for the active smokers they need awareness, so if that was done, it will create tolerate each other (Passive and Active Smokers), nothing someone who will be losses about this case (smoking). So, if tolerate was done, whether we happy with people who still many sip cigarette? So the exactly problems for this phenomenon about cigar is why people can not stopping to smoke? Government and society must have strong intention although it was created tolerate between passive and active smokers for decrease a great number of smoker. With decreasing a number of smokers, Government and society will decreasing also level of the death people caused by smoking.
Commonly about why people used to smoke and hard to stop their that bad daily activity on their live, it was a ‘normal’ phenomenon on the whole of the earth in every country especially. First, why people very fond to smoke ? It’s simple question but need the solution for the answer and for to find out the way out for smoke that today not yet can be solve.
Why people Smoke ?
Some writer on their paper when he wrote about why people fond of smoke. He said if until now that still to be contradiction between who is he who is the active smoker and who is passive smoker ? It still to be debate until now which infinitively. But which to be serious problem about smoke is why people smoke ? In fact, in one bar of cigarette, it contained about addictive materials which make who sipping cigarette to be addicted of sipping cigarette. It is nicotine, the addictive materials who make someone addicted of cigarette and smoke it again and again hard to stop. Nicotine is impenetrability materials improving heart tick and influence many body shareses like body and brain. This materials which gives the someone who as the novice to smoke or someone who ever to smoke the sensation taste which is make them feel more relax. Although in fact, it was absolutely never true. Everything composition in a bar of cigarette that sipped by people never give them anything good valuable, but it just making them sick and die and also do not little of them die caused cigarette .
From data which is on this reference, is mentioned if every year 114 millions man dead effect of poisoned of dangerous nicotine.
But, why still they’re consume that cigarette ?
That is ridiculous question for some people to answer this question. So what the best answer for it. Before this reference mentioned some reasons why people choosing option to sip cigarette, although they in one's sober senses if that just poison for their body. So, theses the reasons why they’re sip cigarette :
1. That cigarette assist they overcome stress.
2. Using cigarette as support when experiencing of unpleasant matter.
3. Enjoying cigarette with others as socialization activity together.
4. Using cigarette to start conversation and meet novice.
5. Smoke do not make to tire of or solitude.
6. Smoke when requiring to rest or want alone.
From six reasons above that why people sip cigarette and still sipping cigarette until now it was not the responsibility reasons to smoke. Ought to there are many positive things except smoke to satisfy their desire when they’re in bad condition, not smoke but anything else. Like reading a book. Absolutely it is better than smoke which just give us many losses and diseases.
Posted by LifeForHappiness at 11:34 . Wednesday, 13 August 2008
So the biggest problems actually is ‘why people hard to stop smoking’ It is need a research for answer this simple question.
A doctor from University of Helsinki , Finland, Dr. Ulla Broms was take a research to find out the question that. Why people hard to stop smoking. She said if she was find out the type of people who called as Evening Type more much consuming cigarette and hard to stop than people as usual who sip cigarette too.
She invented this reality during 30 years she performed her research to 23,000 of couples who consist of Evening Type, it is people who keep awake in the night but feel asleep in the morning, and Morning Type, it is people who keep awake in the morning but feel asleep in the night.
On her researched, Dr. Ulla Broms got the result if people of Evening Type, was more consuming cigarette and hard to stop smoking and also experience depended of nicotine. As known if nicotine was consist of poison materials which same like materials in drugs. Compare with People of Morning Type, people of Evening Type the number percentage of Dr. Broms researched for this case was 73% of Evening Type was experience depended of nicotine of cigarette. And 48% Morning Type was experience depended of nicotine.
So this researched just appear a new question. So the question is, Why people of Evening Type, had bigger number of percentage which had more people who depended of nicotine. Dr. Broms said one of the possibility why so much people of Evening Type sip cigarette than Morning Type because if inside nicotine was immune materials, so people who sip cigarette in the night they will make them more keep awake, with the reason there was something they want to do.
Dr Broms has told if Night Type tend to spend of time in restaurant or bar which smoking was common features. That Condition which made Night Type more smoking as well as finding big difficulties to desist to smoke. This finding is reported in journal of Addiction.
In her report, Broms and her partner saying Evening Type can more easy to addiction and behavior look for easiness compared to Morning Type. This matter possibility caused by aspect of dopamine in brain and system of opioid, that both of this aspect involved in course of addiction as well as searching of easiness.
Researcher also reckoned some other factors, including age, habit drunk, and also depressed symptom. Known if someone have the factor will improve opportunity to smoke equal to 3 times fold.
Dr. Broms said, “If the Evening Type have target to desist to smoke, try to change of their sleep pattern with awaked in the morning and sleep in the evening. This habit will assist them to desist or stop sip cigarette." So Dr. Broms gave the advice if someone who want to stop smoking, especially for the Night Type, they must be change their pattern of sleep. Keep awake in the morning, and sleep in the night. So it will avoiding them depended of nicotine.
29th October 2010, 02:30 PM
As known, if the only one why people to be depended about sip cigarette or smoking, if there was meant materials inside cigarette. It is nicotine. First we must known more about what nicotine is ? What the relation between nicotine with the smoker and what are they the symptoms of ‘stop’ nicotine for someone to stop smoking.
First, what nicotine is in real ?
Nicotine is the poison that found naturally at tobacco. Nicotine have the character of addictive, like cocaine or heroin. Along time, someone become addiction physically and emotional at nicotine. Research indicate that smoker have to discharge either through physical and emotionally of their depended to cigarette, to desist and remain to desist.
Second, what the relation between the nicotine with the smoker ?
Nicotine caused pleasant feeling which made smoker wish to smoke more. He acts like a kind of stressed with hindered information streams among nerve cell. Smoker tend to smoke more a lot because of their nerve systems adapt to nicotine. After a few moments, bodies the smoker develop " tolerance" to the poison. " Tolerance" meaning that to be required by the more nicotine to get effect " delicious" which is same as moment early smoking ( what still a few / beginner). This matter caused the made-up of smoking from time to time. Smoker tired to selected nicotine level and then continue to smoke to maintain his nicotine storey.
Third, what are they the symptoms of ‘stop’ nicotine for someone to stop smoking ?
It is very important to everyone especially the addicted of cigarette, to acts if they want to stop smoking. So, there are the symptoms of ‘stop’ nicotine :
1. Dizzy ( possible only taking place 1 till 2 day after desisting)
2. Depressed
3. Feeling of frustration, not patient, and fulminate
4. Dread
5. Aggrieved
6. Sleeping trouble, including difficult to sleep and cannot sleep, and experience of nightmare or even nightmare?
7. Difficult to concentrate
8. Restlessness or boredom
9. Fatigue
10. Improvement passion of eat
11. Cough, dry mouth, red lane pain.
12. Chest congested
This symptom can caused the smoker to start to smoke again to improve nicotine rate return to storey where the body no longer show the symptom. Recognized it, hence you will not get taken by it, and can struggle to fight against the symptom, without light the cigarette. Remember. if this symptom start to disappear only in 2 week, all struggles to be able to desist to smoke must be done because smoking to have come to habit. Reminding yourself that after some weeks you can free. You shall no longer physically addiction.
Ditulis oleh Health News
Selasa, 19 Januari 2010
Then, why just caused that simple cigarette look like bar of tobacco which is furled can made someone to be smoker and to be addicted t sip cigarette ? What the taste of cigarette. Absolutely it is not more tasty than chocolate is not it ? But, still many people love to consume cigarette than chocolate ?
Sensation of the feel uniqueness of menthol cigarette make taken a more fancy by woman and youngster. Though effect of menthol cigarette make people more addicted, so that progressively difficult to stop smoking.
In this references, known from According the report of Supplement at journal health of Addiction, people sucking menthol cigarette or known as menthols, owning higher addicted storey compared to people sucking ordinary cigarette. As a result, smoker of this menthol will be more difficult to stop smoking.
Is explained also in the reference if TPSAC ( Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee) is the part of Body supervisor food and drug of American ( FDA) command to evaluate the menthol cigarette and impact of to health of society. Evaluation which nowadays underway also see effect smoke menthol at selected ethnical group and youngster circle. Authoritative party tell this will be finished and delivered to FDA at March 2012.
" Menthol cigarette most affect at new people start to smoke and youngster. Considering extraordinary disease and death which because of smoking, menthol make poison disseminate easierly," said Kola Okuyemi, MD, MPH, senior editor of Supplement, like Medicalnewstoday reported, Thursday ( 25/11/2010).
From the data in this reference if population in some country which tend to smoke menthol cigarette there are in states :
1. Africa-America
2. Woman
3. Youngster
4. Out of Job People
5. People who in low education storey
Did not only showing efficacy storey to stop smoking the lowness at menthol cigarette, report also indicate that very dominant selected people with menthol cigarette also more difficult to desist smoked.
Merry Wahyuningsih – detikHealth
Kamis, 25/11/2010 14:13 WIB
The Fact of People.
Comments of four people commenting question at Yahoo sites, asking how to desist to smoke ? from fourth example of their answer each which is as following :
1. Man 1 ( who known as ‘Microsky’ at Yahoo sites )
He said if someone who wants to stop smoking, he said the good solution is, with very strong intention. Because, he said if without the very strong intention to stop smoking, it will be useless.
2. Man 2 ( who known as ‘Princess…’ at Yahoo sites )
He said if there is someone wants to stop sip cigarette, he said, someone that was addict to smoke, it’s really very difficult to stop smoking totally. He said, someone that must start to stop smoking with reduces an amount of he or she consume cigarette per-day. He said do the attempt, if you used to smoke one box of cigarette per-day, make it one bar of cigarette to consume every day, and then try to stop totally to smoke. He added, if complemented with strong intention, to stop smoking totally can be do it.
3. Man 3 ( who known as ‘heripl’ at Yahoo sites )
He said if someone wants to try or intention to stop smoking totally, he or she must change their environment around them and make a new habitual activity which don’t related with things of cigarette and smoke and also smoker. So, he draw a conclusion if someone wants to stop smoking totally, they must change their condition. Started change their bad habitual into the good habitual, and looking for good environment where inside there, there is no unsure of cigarette like partner or friend who love to sip cigarette.
4. Man 4 ( who known as ‘Beast’en nice’ at Yahoo sites )
The good way out according his opinion is, try slowly to remove that bad habitual. And he also said the way out is, looking another things which help us to release our stress. Perhaps like go shopping.
So, according about four opinion above. It can draw a conclusion that indeed for stop smoking really very difficult and it is not simple case for the every smoker especially, even they was have strong intention to stop smoking, but it always failed. So with, strong intention, reduce amount of to smoke cigarette, looking for new good environment and last looking another thing except smoking when someone stress and usually smoke a cigarette with another good thing like go shopping, actually, there is nothing wrong for the someone of addiction which have with smoking to conduct the suggestions. But which have to be more be conducted again is knowledge of awareness of impact will from of smoking itself. With threat of danger smoke, someone will be awaked to desist to smoke.
From : Yahoo Answer-sites
The Things Which Can Direct Someone To Health And To Face the Obstruction
Healthy is absolutely rights of every people to get the good life. Surely everyone didn’t want become sick. Healthy is true it is grant of the god as we as a man, the thing creation by god, we must give thanks about that scrumptious. Before people get that, before all they must fulfill their obligation as the result if they want it. Don’t want become sick they don’t have to don’t want keep their body and soul still health full, so they must to keep their body and soul are healthy. Good inside and god outside. Sounds seems if that are easy understanding and easy doing for get life health. But only that sounds is simply, but almost people who care about their healthy, especially, body and soul health, getting a hard difficulties to reach healthy life. It is the fact.
Paragraph above just appear newest question related the case. So, why although it’s sounds easy understanding and easy doing, people still sick because they couldn’t reach healthy in their life ? It is true people who care about healthy lifestyle was fewer than people who didn’t care about healthy lifestyle from yesterday. Since today that fact still can not ruins. So, it is true an oblivious phenomenon in society now, when they don’t become sick and they want very healthy inside and outside body and soul, but they following bad healthy lifestyle. What are they willing they will be healthy with letting their body with bad habitual that they always doing, automatically their body will keep itself still healthy ? Absolutely the answer is big mistake. Without there are realize, knowledge about body health and soul, and frame of healthy life, it will be impossible to keep body far form pain even chronic pain.
All the problem for the healthy body and soul, the root for fix this problem is healthy lifestyle. Why must do healthy lifestyle ? Because there is no best solution more if people want always healthy, and this solution which the very simple and easy, but difficult without good commitment and hard work. So healthy lifestyle it is true very required for everyone. Want to health so want to life with style of healthy life. With style healthy, so body and soul will follow the style. That is healthy lifestyle.
What it is healthy lifestyle ? The simple meaning of healthy lifestyle is, do everything activities every time on our life with good habitual. Try to keep away from bad habits that just result losses for body. And also do something for our soul which it can bring us to good away, not mislead us to the bad activities. For the example like we under stress, almost people using cigarette to released it, they said, it made it. But once again it was big mistake, they just poisoned their body and soul. So start now trying to walk every activities on our life with positive things. Don’t too hard, we can start it from smile and full of happiness.
Although for always health it is hard. It doesn’t mean if people can not do it. There is always the solution for every problem. But every problem has every solution and every solution surely has the obstruction for that solution. But every obstruction has the way for pass it. So there is not something which can not looking for the solution for the kindliness.
How the way or simple way to realizing healthy lifestyle is ? Surely, for doing something which has good resolution in future, it absolutely we will do some things which not delicious or heavy to do. It was to be consequences for everything which has good value like healthy lifestyle. So we have to sacrifice everything which we like for something better to get healthy lifestyle. And the important key for to do this, we need a brave and certainty if we intention to do this and for our body and soul, because we are also the one who will feel the positive benefits and of course no harm despite the fact that we lose with our pleasure. Then, if when we’re, the next stage is to let us do the four tips below. The four tips involving as frame of healthy lifestyle. And that all the research done for eight years :
“Get rid of cigarettes, exercising diligent, always monitor waist circumference, and, avoid eating unhealthy foods” ( dr. I Made Cock Wirawan, S.Ked )
•No Smoking
•Exercise at least 3.5 hours per week
•Maintain a body mass index (BMI) of less than 30
•Consumption of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, bread and less meat
But after the research has been carried out for eight years, respondents from the examples that follow, only a handful of people who want to follow these four tips and patterns. Only 9% of respondents only. This reality very This fact is very ironic considering that many mouths that talk that they want in their life is always healthy. Losses for themselves who already know a lot of ways and how it is actually easy to do but not well done. Because the exact payment from a difficult business is certainly going to bring something very positive and useful, especially for a healthy life. But different from those who follow the above four tips and patterns. they get a very positive thing for a healthy life. After changing the pattern of life that influences the occurrence of disease, the researchers concluded that those who follow these four healthy lifestyle will reduce the risk of chronic disease as much as 78%. The details are as follows:
• The risk of type 2 diabetes decreased by 93%.
• The risk of suffering from heart disease decreased by 81%.
• The risk of suffering from stroke decreased by 50%.
• The risk of suffering from cancer decreased by 36%.
The study also mentioned that the younger a habit this is done then the results achieved will be more satisfactory. So if you want to remain healthy, immediately do the four tips above ( dr. I Made Cock Wirawan, S.Ked )
It is only by following the four tips above one obtains a huge advantage. Given these diseases to minimize adverse health. In addition to getting a healthy lifestyle while also reducing the dangers of chronic disease.
Not be denied also, if the barriers to implementing a healthy lifestyle patterns disturbed by the environment around us as well. Especially for those whose lives area cities that stuffy with unhealthy air that follow also other things there that others also become unhealthy, such as water quality in the city are increasingly polluted. So how to let our bodies continue to face the environment around us who are not so very healthy, but still we try to implement healthy lifestyle for our health, and when people at the cities very busy, why ?
Was as usual obstacles always dispel any business with a positive resolution in the future. But as always, too, order to each problem there must be a good way out of course. So, what is way out of this obstacle. Here are some patterned way out to keep a healthy lifestyle in a place that does not support a healthy lifestyle for them. At least there are seven easy ways to keep the implementation of a healthy lifestyle and to get a better quality of life:
1.Clean air, healthy lungs
No need to bother looking mountains air, the morning air was very good for your lungs. Also avoid too polluted air, such as cigarette smoke, fumes or dust. Clean home and work space regularly, including furniture, fans and air conditioners.
2.Drink plenty of water
Get used to drink 8-10 glasses per day. Strive to drink warm water at night and cool water (not ice water) in the daytime. Add a little lemon or lime. Besides good to freshen up, drink it also helps remove toxins from the body.
3.Consumption of nutritious and balanced menu
Avoid junk foods and processed foods, and reduce consumption of salt and sugar. One more thing, do not forget breakfast! Because the breakfast to support our activities throughout the day. Expand the consumption of green vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber and nutrients the body needs fiber.
4.Balance between work, exercise and rest
Get used to break regularly 7-8 hours at night, and do not often stayed up late or sleeping too late. Try to use leisure time to exercise lightly or just relaxes muscles joints. By exercising 2-3 times per week, for 30-45 minutes, enough to make the body fit and stamina.
5.Controls the brain work
Do not give too much weight, because the brain also has a limited memory. Perform in leisure time activities that make the brain work more relaxed, e.g. doing an enjoyable hobby, like painting, reading the latest novel or just listening to music.
6.Go live in harmony
Use common sense! That's the key, do not sacrifice life to obey the pleasure ourselves through bad habits and risky. For example, drinking, smoking or using illegal drugs. Try to live in harmony, as much as possible minimize the risk of psychological or emotional stress.
7.Use nutritional supplements (Only if necessary!)
In addition to fresh foods, you can also consume a lot of health supplements on the market. Instead, the use of dietary supplements is recommended as an alternative therapy course with emphasis on types of food supplements that have been researched and useful.
Beside ways which we which have know easy to it’s way to apply healthy life. There's any that natural way to apply healthy lifestyle ? Of course there is, healthy early from nature. If nature we have sure healthy people who stay in that healthy nature will become healthy automatically. Mostly more people choosing natural way to get good matter like healthy. Because most people assume if by natural will be more safety.
But besides naturally, people now more opting cost effective cheap also. This phenomenon was ordinary happened in society because people didn’t want to spend a numbering of money which very expensive for the problem which they assume not really important than the other serious problem. Like for the healthy, almost people today assume that is not really important, so they more opting the cheaper solution for this problem, healthy.
So, there are three simple steps for get a healthy which is cheap and nature :
First step : Exercise.
Type of this exercise is which we conduct to assist combustion of metabolism in body (like jogging). As for benefit of exercise are :
•Lessening risk of heart sickness, stroke and diabetes
•Improving mood and lessen symptom of depression
•Remain to take care of body flexibility along with accretion of age
Second step : Doing Light Movement.
You earn to lose weight body, without having to do heavy exercise. If you not yet ready for doing program which is schedule, do light movement beforehand. Following is activity to do light movement :
•Turn off your television. Play with your friends together or family. Anything activities than only sitting to be kept quiet at the same time watch television.
•Walking along. Try to use opportunity intentionally self to walk. Don't care how long and how many far.
•Doing house activities. Doing activity at home like cleaning house floor, neatening and sweeping house yard.
•Walk a little when you converse. Taking example you is phoning someone or talk with others, do at the same time walk small.
•Make the schedule to make a move light than you pass the time to sit to keep silence.
Third step : Eat Enough.
Eat with enough and well-balanced nutrition is one of the assist for healthy life. As for food which there must be in your menu list as follows :
•Eat the more fruits
•More to consume vegetables
•Eat low food of fat
Preparing substitution food. Intention of here, we don't continuously consume same food. Example, flesh changed by fish. (taufan under Tips Kesehatan
We must believes it all, if that all are the cheap and nature solution for get healthy life. As we known in point two, there are simple very simple ways to getting health and of course it cheap and nature too. So, do us still enquire if it expensive and complicated for doing healthy lifestyle ? Ought to we don’t ask like that anymore, because in fact there are many data which said if for doing habitual of healthy lifestyle are cheap and easy or nature. But absolutely all of that impossible successfully if that didn’t based on commitment and strong intention. There is cost which is true to pay.
At least, it is true if to apply healthy lifestyle didn’t easy. Undeniable. The last obstruction which the writer will appear is how about with the people who fond of eat snack as their habitual, because we already have known if habitual is very hard to move. It will need the highest intention and commitment. But in other side we already have known if people who often eat snack in their daily activities is very unhealthy for their body health. But, recently some nutrition expert was said if there are some snack which has good value for our body health. So this is will answer of confused people especially who fond of eat snack.
The core, there is not restriction about eat snack, but it better if we must smart to choose the snack. Moreover there was found some snack which has good value. Some snack which has good value and health to consume are :
1.Cheese of Cheddar
There is a lot of benefit for consuming this cheese.
a.The source of phosphorus for the tooth and strong bone, even support growth of brain network for children.
b.Zinc content good for husk, system impenetrability of body, and fertility.
c.Riboflavin and vitamin of B12 as contributor of energy and vitamin of A for the health of eye and husk.
d.Munching Cheese of Cheddar neutralizes acid in mouth and increase product saliva assisting to prevent damage of tooth.
2.Bean jam
According to researchers of Harvard Medical School, eating small bean jam five day within a week can lessen risk heart attack significantly.
Catherine Collins, nutritionist head at Hospital of St George'S in London, told, " Small portion of popcorn equivalent by one portion of brown rice every day." Popcorn was has more fibers coming from sunflower seed so that make You feel full longer. And also, balancing blood sugar rate so that You shy to eat food which sweet. But, because containing glycemic index ( GI) has high Rate, they who is obesity and diabetes have to avoid eating popcorn.
4.Hazelnut Chocolate
Hazelnut Chocolate containing lesitin, extract of soy which high protein, calcium, and ferrume which protecting bone and assist You feel full longer. This type chocolate also low calorie than other type chocolate. Hazelnut is the source of vitamin of E improving impenetrability and vitamin of B improving mood of heart. Potassium, calcium, and magnesium assist to maintain healthy blood pressure.
After we known the fact of data above, we especially for people who very fond eat snack don’t worry if they want to apply healthy lifestyle with doesn’t scarify they habitual to eat snack. There are Cheddar, Bean Jam, Popcorn, Hazelnut chocolate which can for everyone who have habitual to small eat to eat without harming their health of body. But still, if that foods allowed to eat because the good benefits are good for the body and support to apply healthy lifestyle, we don’t too much to eat that. There is always the edge.
So for all the data which we already have known, there are some things which can we do to get healthy lifestyle. Beginning from realizes, intention, commitment, sacrifice bad habitual who we love it very much, enough to exercise, enough to take rest, enough sleep, doing small movement like daily activities at home, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more of water, eat the benefits snack and consuming some vitamin supplement if it is need, and also living harmony. Seen it is true a lot of things that must be done. But all easy and cheap to get health and apply healthy life style compared have to go to the doctor and go to fitness training every day. Many people easy spend out millions of money to be healthy when they pain when they do not want to apply healthy life style pattern. So before we entering to the hospital and search for that health, better for us to start by which have been submitted before, to live always healthy. So, love your body all of you.
Minggu, 15 April 2012
Theater and Pornography
Based on the language that brought that word theater called by theatron (greece, it was mean "Place For Watching" (, teathre capable by us was the complex of art that mixed by many elements of arts, such as music, gesture, mimic, property, lighting and etc. one of the angle of the arts of theater is atrraction of play.
many of plays that can presnted by people that include in that theater, but it usually divided into two kinds of plays according the type of plays. There are "realalistic" and "surealistic".
Mostly the script that often the players of play presented is usually the scripts of realistics plays. "Because that scripts easy to translate for players (actor and actress, because it's happened in their social living in society" (Djunaedi Lubis Said-ISI Jogjakarta).
So what the relationship between Theater and Pornography ? as we know well, pornography and theater are two kind activities that very opposite each other. But, there some people describe theater consist of pornography, drugs and night people. But it's not always true. If some people watcing the staging of plays that the actor of that play do the pornography action lay people said it pornography, like the script of plays works by Alm. Djaja Kusuma, adaptation by Iwan Desember (Arts Institute of Jakarta, IKJ) tittle, "wek-wek", there is one moment at that play where the players (women players as "women" in that scripts) try to tease the another actors (at the scenes of course, walking and dancing with one of the another player (man player as "Petruk") wearing a very thin nightgown. The watcher that see that scene mostly think in their mind if that scene as porn.
But based on glasses of people that known well theatre, give different respon and appraisal about that staging. Antonio, man that ever playing that script ("wek-wek") asses if,"it because the error of that people that watcing that staging and there is "hot" scene and their mind see it plainly, so they will be say it was porn, porn action." Antonio also added, "So, people that always asses something that see as porn but can't differenciate between porn or they mind that porn, it just deepening of caracter and script demands", he conclude.
So the concluding between theater and pornography is theatre (at play) appeared because there are scripts that written by writter as their social living environment surround them. In realistic scripts, pornography appointed by theater on a staging play it was happened because of deepening caracter and script demands that require players that should be approached. So it's totally dangerous if people asses a staging that inside that staging there was porn scene and plainly they directly said it was porn action. It will be a problem in the end of staging absolutely.
And another concluding pornography it's the action that did by people or someone that invited another people to look and say it was porn action because their mind wrong asses that as action of pornography (arnz).
many of plays that can presnted by people that include in that theater, but it usually divided into two kinds of plays according the type of plays. There are "realalistic" and "surealistic".
Mostly the script that often the players of play presented is usually the scripts of realistics plays. "Because that scripts easy to translate for players (actor and actress, because it's happened in their social living in society" (Djunaedi Lubis Said-ISI Jogjakarta).
So what the relationship between Theater and Pornography ? as we know well, pornography and theater are two kind activities that very opposite each other. But, there some people describe theater consist of pornography, drugs and night people. But it's not always true. If some people watcing the staging of plays that the actor of that play do the pornography action lay people said it pornography, like the script of plays works by Alm. Djaja Kusuma, adaptation by Iwan Desember (Arts Institute of Jakarta, IKJ) tittle, "wek-wek", there is one moment at that play where the players (women players as "women" in that scripts) try to tease the another actors (at the scenes of course, walking and dancing with one of the another player (man player as "Petruk") wearing a very thin nightgown. The watcher that see that scene mostly think in their mind if that scene as porn.
But based on glasses of people that known well theatre, give different respon and appraisal about that staging. Antonio, man that ever playing that script ("wek-wek") asses if,"it because the error of that people that watcing that staging and there is "hot" scene and their mind see it plainly, so they will be say it was porn, porn action." Antonio also added, "So, people that always asses something that see as porn but can't differenciate between porn or they mind that porn, it just deepening of caracter and script demands", he conclude.
So the concluding between theater and pornography is theatre (at play) appeared because there are scripts that written by writter as their social living environment surround them. In realistic scripts, pornography appointed by theater on a staging play it was happened because of deepening caracter and script demands that require players that should be approached. So it's totally dangerous if people asses a staging that inside that staging there was porn scene and plainly they directly said it was porn action. It will be a problem in the end of staging absolutely.
And another concluding pornography it's the action that did by people or someone that invited another people to look and say it was porn action because their mind wrong asses that as action of pornography (arnz).
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