Selasa, 24 April 2012
The Things Which Can Direct Someone To Health And To Face the Obstruction
Healthy is absolutely rights of every people to get the good life. Surely everyone didn’t want become sick. Healthy is true it is grant of the god as we as a man, the thing creation by god, we must give thanks about that scrumptious. Before people get that, before all they must fulfill their obligation as the result if they want it. Don’t want become sick they don’t have to don’t want keep their body and soul still health full, so they must to keep their body and soul are healthy. Good inside and god outside. Sounds seems if that are easy understanding and easy doing for get life health. But only that sounds is simply, but almost people who care about their healthy, especially, body and soul health, getting a hard difficulties to reach healthy life. It is the fact.
Paragraph above just appear newest question related the case. So, why although it’s sounds easy understanding and easy doing, people still sick because they couldn’t reach healthy in their life ? It is true people who care about healthy lifestyle was fewer than people who didn’t care about healthy lifestyle from yesterday. Since today that fact still can not ruins. So, it is true an oblivious phenomenon in society now, when they don’t become sick and they want very healthy inside and outside body and soul, but they following bad healthy lifestyle. What are they willing they will be healthy with letting their body with bad habitual that they always doing, automatically their body will keep itself still healthy ? Absolutely the answer is big mistake. Without there are realize, knowledge about body health and soul, and frame of healthy life, it will be impossible to keep body far form pain even chronic pain.
All the problem for the healthy body and soul, the root for fix this problem is healthy lifestyle. Why must do healthy lifestyle ? Because there is no best solution more if people want always healthy, and this solution which the very simple and easy, but difficult without good commitment and hard work. So healthy lifestyle it is true very required for everyone. Want to health so want to life with style of healthy life. With style healthy, so body and soul will follow the style. That is healthy lifestyle.
What it is healthy lifestyle ? The simple meaning of healthy lifestyle is, do everything activities every time on our life with good habitual. Try to keep away from bad habits that just result losses for body. And also do something for our soul which it can bring us to good away, not mislead us to the bad activities. For the example like we under stress, almost people using cigarette to released it, they said, it made it. But once again it was big mistake, they just poisoned their body and soul. So start now trying to walk every activities on our life with positive things. Don’t too hard, we can start it from smile and full of happiness.
Although for always health it is hard. It doesn’t mean if people can not do it. There is always the solution for every problem. But every problem has every solution and every solution surely has the obstruction for that solution. But every obstruction has the way for pass it. So there is not something which can not looking for the solution for the kindliness.
How the way or simple way to realizing healthy lifestyle is ? Surely, for doing something which has good resolution in future, it absolutely we will do some things which not delicious or heavy to do. It was to be consequences for everything which has good value like healthy lifestyle. So we have to sacrifice everything which we like for something better to get healthy lifestyle. And the important key for to do this, we need a brave and certainty if we intention to do this and for our body and soul, because we are also the one who will feel the positive benefits and of course no harm despite the fact that we lose with our pleasure. Then, if when we’re, the next stage is to let us do the four tips below. The four tips involving as frame of healthy lifestyle. And that all the research done for eight years :
“Get rid of cigarettes, exercising diligent, always monitor waist circumference, and, avoid eating unhealthy foods” ( dr. I Made Cock Wirawan, S.Ked )
•No Smoking
•Exercise at least 3.5 hours per week
•Maintain a body mass index (BMI) of less than 30
•Consumption of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, bread and less meat
But after the research has been carried out for eight years, respondents from the examples that follow, only a handful of people who want to follow these four tips and patterns. Only 9% of respondents only. This reality very This fact is very ironic considering that many mouths that talk that they want in their life is always healthy. Losses for themselves who already know a lot of ways and how it is actually easy to do but not well done. Because the exact payment from a difficult business is certainly going to bring something very positive and useful, especially for a healthy life. But different from those who follow the above four tips and patterns. they get a very positive thing for a healthy life. After changing the pattern of life that influences the occurrence of disease, the researchers concluded that those who follow these four healthy lifestyle will reduce the risk of chronic disease as much as 78%. The details are as follows:
• The risk of type 2 diabetes decreased by 93%.
• The risk of suffering from heart disease decreased by 81%.
• The risk of suffering from stroke decreased by 50%.
• The risk of suffering from cancer decreased by 36%.
The study also mentioned that the younger a habit this is done then the results achieved will be more satisfactory. So if you want to remain healthy, immediately do the four tips above ( dr. I Made Cock Wirawan, S.Ked )
It is only by following the four tips above one obtains a huge advantage. Given these diseases to minimize adverse health. In addition to getting a healthy lifestyle while also reducing the dangers of chronic disease.
Not be denied also, if the barriers to implementing a healthy lifestyle patterns disturbed by the environment around us as well. Especially for those whose lives area cities that stuffy with unhealthy air that follow also other things there that others also become unhealthy, such as water quality in the city are increasingly polluted. So how to let our bodies continue to face the environment around us who are not so very healthy, but still we try to implement healthy lifestyle for our health, and when people at the cities very busy, why ?
Was as usual obstacles always dispel any business with a positive resolution in the future. But as always, too, order to each problem there must be a good way out of course. So, what is way out of this obstacle. Here are some patterned way out to keep a healthy lifestyle in a place that does not support a healthy lifestyle for them. At least there are seven easy ways to keep the implementation of a healthy lifestyle and to get a better quality of life:
1.Clean air, healthy lungs
No need to bother looking mountains air, the morning air was very good for your lungs. Also avoid too polluted air, such as cigarette smoke, fumes or dust. Clean home and work space regularly, including furniture, fans and air conditioners.
2.Drink plenty of water
Get used to drink 8-10 glasses per day. Strive to drink warm water at night and cool water (not ice water) in the daytime. Add a little lemon or lime. Besides good to freshen up, drink it also helps remove toxins from the body.
3.Consumption of nutritious and balanced menu
Avoid junk foods and processed foods, and reduce consumption of salt and sugar. One more thing, do not forget breakfast! Because the breakfast to support our activities throughout the day. Expand the consumption of green vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber and nutrients the body needs fiber.
4.Balance between work, exercise and rest
Get used to break regularly 7-8 hours at night, and do not often stayed up late or sleeping too late. Try to use leisure time to exercise lightly or just relaxes muscles joints. By exercising 2-3 times per week, for 30-45 minutes, enough to make the body fit and stamina.
5.Controls the brain work
Do not give too much weight, because the brain also has a limited memory. Perform in leisure time activities that make the brain work more relaxed, e.g. doing an enjoyable hobby, like painting, reading the latest novel or just listening to music.
6.Go live in harmony
Use common sense! That's the key, do not sacrifice life to obey the pleasure ourselves through bad habits and risky. For example, drinking, smoking or using illegal drugs. Try to live in harmony, as much as possible minimize the risk of psychological or emotional stress.
7.Use nutritional supplements (Only if necessary!)
In addition to fresh foods, you can also consume a lot of health supplements on the market. Instead, the use of dietary supplements is recommended as an alternative therapy course with emphasis on types of food supplements that have been researched and useful.
Beside ways which we which have know easy to it’s way to apply healthy life. There's any that natural way to apply healthy lifestyle ? Of course there is, healthy early from nature. If nature we have sure healthy people who stay in that healthy nature will become healthy automatically. Mostly more people choosing natural way to get good matter like healthy. Because most people assume if by natural will be more safety.
But besides naturally, people now more opting cost effective cheap also. This phenomenon was ordinary happened in society because people didn’t want to spend a numbering of money which very expensive for the problem which they assume not really important than the other serious problem. Like for the healthy, almost people today assume that is not really important, so they more opting the cheaper solution for this problem, healthy.
So, there are three simple steps for get a healthy which is cheap and nature :
First step : Exercise.
Type of this exercise is which we conduct to assist combustion of metabolism in body (like jogging). As for benefit of exercise are :
•Lessening risk of heart sickness, stroke and diabetes
•Improving mood and lessen symptom of depression
•Remain to take care of body flexibility along with accretion of age
Second step : Doing Light Movement.
You earn to lose weight body, without having to do heavy exercise. If you not yet ready for doing program which is schedule, do light movement beforehand. Following is activity to do light movement :
•Turn off your television. Play with your friends together or family. Anything activities than only sitting to be kept quiet at the same time watch television.
•Walking along. Try to use opportunity intentionally self to walk. Don't care how long and how many far.
•Doing house activities. Doing activity at home like cleaning house floor, neatening and sweeping house yard.
•Walk a little when you converse. Taking example you is phoning someone or talk with others, do at the same time walk small.
•Make the schedule to make a move light than you pass the time to sit to keep silence.
Third step : Eat Enough.
Eat with enough and well-balanced nutrition is one of the assist for healthy life. As for food which there must be in your menu list as follows :
•Eat the more fruits
•More to consume vegetables
•Eat low food of fat
Preparing substitution food. Intention of here, we don't continuously consume same food. Example, flesh changed by fish. (taufan under Tips Kesehatan
We must believes it all, if that all are the cheap and nature solution for get healthy life. As we known in point two, there are simple very simple ways to getting health and of course it cheap and nature too. So, do us still enquire if it expensive and complicated for doing healthy lifestyle ? Ought to we don’t ask like that anymore, because in fact there are many data which said if for doing habitual of healthy lifestyle are cheap and easy or nature. But absolutely all of that impossible successfully if that didn’t based on commitment and strong intention. There is cost which is true to pay.
At least, it is true if to apply healthy lifestyle didn’t easy. Undeniable. The last obstruction which the writer will appear is how about with the people who fond of eat snack as their habitual, because we already have known if habitual is very hard to move. It will need the highest intention and commitment. But in other side we already have known if people who often eat snack in their daily activities is very unhealthy for their body health. But, recently some nutrition expert was said if there are some snack which has good value for our body health. So this is will answer of confused people especially who fond of eat snack.
The core, there is not restriction about eat snack, but it better if we must smart to choose the snack. Moreover there was found some snack which has good value. Some snack which has good value and health to consume are :
1.Cheese of Cheddar
There is a lot of benefit for consuming this cheese.
a.The source of phosphorus for the tooth and strong bone, even support growth of brain network for children.
b.Zinc content good for husk, system impenetrability of body, and fertility.
c.Riboflavin and vitamin of B12 as contributor of energy and vitamin of A for the health of eye and husk.
d.Munching Cheese of Cheddar neutralizes acid in mouth and increase product saliva assisting to prevent damage of tooth.
2.Bean jam
According to researchers of Harvard Medical School, eating small bean jam five day within a week can lessen risk heart attack significantly.
Catherine Collins, nutritionist head at Hospital of St George'S in London, told, " Small portion of popcorn equivalent by one portion of brown rice every day." Popcorn was has more fibers coming from sunflower seed so that make You feel full longer. And also, balancing blood sugar rate so that You shy to eat food which sweet. But, because containing glycemic index ( GI) has high Rate, they who is obesity and diabetes have to avoid eating popcorn.
4.Hazelnut Chocolate
Hazelnut Chocolate containing lesitin, extract of soy which high protein, calcium, and ferrume which protecting bone and assist You feel full longer. This type chocolate also low calorie than other type chocolate. Hazelnut is the source of vitamin of E improving impenetrability and vitamin of B improving mood of heart. Potassium, calcium, and magnesium assist to maintain healthy blood pressure.
After we known the fact of data above, we especially for people who very fond eat snack don’t worry if they want to apply healthy lifestyle with doesn’t scarify they habitual to eat snack. There are Cheddar, Bean Jam, Popcorn, Hazelnut chocolate which can for everyone who have habitual to small eat to eat without harming their health of body. But still, if that foods allowed to eat because the good benefits are good for the body and support to apply healthy lifestyle, we don’t too much to eat that. There is always the edge.
So for all the data which we already have known, there are some things which can we do to get healthy lifestyle. Beginning from realizes, intention, commitment, sacrifice bad habitual who we love it very much, enough to exercise, enough to take rest, enough sleep, doing small movement like daily activities at home, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more of water, eat the benefits snack and consuming some vitamin supplement if it is need, and also living harmony. Seen it is true a lot of things that must be done. But all easy and cheap to get health and apply healthy life style compared have to go to the doctor and go to fitness training every day. Many people easy spend out millions of money to be healthy when they pain when they do not want to apply healthy life style pattern. So before we entering to the hospital and search for that health, better for us to start by which have been submitted before, to live always healthy. So, love your body all of you.
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