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Selasa, 24 April 2012


A general thing if someone that has a solid activity like studying or working they will meet the bored point in their activity that. Same as like someone that desire to drink a glass of water when they were thirsty. In the first glass they didn’t feel satisfying, they still thirsty, and then the second glass they drink it, but still they didn’t feel satisfying until only for the example that people stop in fifth glass, that people finally feel satisfying because his thirsty fulfilled. But lets we see besides because the reason of that people stop in fifth glass, that people didn’t want to drink the water again ? It’s so simple for the answer and we can concluded if the answer because that people bored to drink more water again, so that people stop drink in fifth glass. This analogy alike the case when some people become stress for their activity, studying or working. Perhaps they feel bored and saturated because everyday they always do same activity day by day, although in studying and working there is task which different in every day, but still the general meaning of studying and working is still just studying and working, and both are related, studying for working and working need studying, so surely every people that studying or working will experience the symptom ( bored and then stressed ) because they need the free space for themselves to do anything which can make them feel fresh again from first they feel bored and saturated. An important thing if we do anything that as our obligation or as our thing that so priceless for us, we must love our activity. Not only love because we have it, but love it from the side of the risks, the consequence, and the responsibilities. With we’re understanding all of that, I can make sure if we can do it all what we want good it is working, studying or anything else well, without we will feel bored, saturated, tired or stress. We can pretend it all. So we might can protected mislead to the bored and become stress. But, undeniable almost people particularly in the work orientation become stress because their work or job. These peoples unsuccessful to effort to themselves, so that they can’t protect from the dangerous of bored and stress. An article told if people are under stress, they may be anxious and irritable. It’s true, people that become stress showed the symptom like people as they are. They a little change, they may be more can angry or more sensitive, especially to the people that doing a mistakes to the people that under stress. And people that under stress are often reaction harsh to the people even he harsh to himself. It’s very generating a great deal of losses. And from the little symptom when people are under stress like to be anxious and irritable and then they to be harsher in action and last that people do not close possibility if that people will be crazy, it’s the biggest losses for someone if they can’t be able to stay far away from the symptom of stress. There is not good herb which efficacious can help people that was suffering of the symptom of stress. The only good herb and as the good solution too for everyone that inside the symptom of stress, they can effort anything activity which make fun for them, so it can be refreshing their bran and soul. People that with good thinker and well they can passed they obstruction well, and they far from the stress, because they can thinking about what thing that was to be their responsibilities which they must account everything the consequence, good if that studying or working, so they must fun and love it. If it’s true and everything advise to keep us from the stress unsuccessful made us still struggling to face our activities, we have to find out the good and best solution so that we can’t falling down to be crazy because the reason of stress. So, what are they which we can conduct for us to leave our stress ? In fact there is so many things that we can do it for ourselves. Seems like we do our hobby that can make us feel happy, fresh and wash our soul. But we realized if everyone was different. All of us have had the solution to release our stress. For me as the writer on this paper I suggesting if we want to release our symptom of stress and stress there are three suggest for this case. First, try to find your enjoy. For the example do anything activity which we very love it or very addict (singing, playing music, hang out, or anything else), in essence that activity we love and we think it can reduce the damage of stress in our soul and mind. Second, stop your subject activity for a while. Try to sleep. We sometimes need addition to sleep. With we can rest our body for a while we rest our mind and soul to from the busy activity that just make us stress, and it just destruct our body and soul until we can be sick. With sleep, we can light mind burden, after sleep our mind and soul in the good condition again, so we can think well. And the last, keep struggling and keep smiling. Whatever the obstruction which we will face, we must make sure if we can to pass it or struggle. With struggle it’s meaning we can strong to face anything will block us, and we can’t be stress. Keep smiling it doesn’t mean we are surrender because we have tired to face our obstruction, so we smile and smile and smile every time. But, we keep smile so that we can still calm and enjoy. With keep smiling we have given to ourselves the spirit, the aura and the power to walk our activity in everyday especially when we face our obstruction. A little thing but big we can get for we want to keep smiling. So we can concluded all of the good solution for us to keep far away from stress are, we must healthy, fresh, rest, keep going forward and smile. So if we can fulfill that, I can make sure if we won’t protect from stress symptom and stress. And last every problem or obstruction which will block us, make sure ourselves ready to fight that and just breathing and exhale it. Every problem has every solution, and every solution has every obstruction too, but every obstruction can be solve with good attitude, so once again, just breath and exhale it.

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